One-time or Continuous

Independent Test Automation as a Service (TAaS)

Develop better software faster and with fewer internal resources used.

Test Automation as a Service (TAaS)

Automation is Critical to Superior User Experiences

Continuous automated testing as a catalyst for innovation

Functionality Testing

Execute tests swiftly and repeatedly, without requiring manual intervention, even across multiple versions of your application.

Performance Testing

A repeatable and consistent process with minimum effort and quick turn-around time to identify and eliminate these bottlenecks.

Security Testing

Remarkably fast and scalable, scan the entire application much faster with broader coverage than a manual pen tester.

Thousands of Test Cases for Hundreds of Roles

Validate Access Control, Each Role, Automated

With imported Access Control Matrix + Define Roles + Build Test Cases using Jmeter for the First Role manually, then Test Cases for all other Roles could be built automaticaly;

Built Test Cases run regularly to review access permissions to ensure they align with the current needs of the application.

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Focus on Business Logic of the Application

Test and Scan Multi-step Workflow, Automated

An API scenario can start out as just a single step, but you can add more steps yourself and even expand your scenarios later on. You have full control over the complete HTTP request content.

Mimic real user journeys and actions closely. Change, delete, or add new data between request steps as needed. Test and monitor entire user flows by chaining together multiple API requests or test all methods on an endpoint in a single check.

Smart Fuzzing - Negative Tests based on mutation of collected sensitive data, or using naughty data, etc, to be implemented only for those APIs with variables, saving time for un-necessary tests.

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faster development cycles, higher accuracy

Regression Test, Auotmated

  • quickly detect any changes or errors in an API to ensure high performance and security. 

  • ensure teams receive immediate feedback to quickly mitigate as many risks as possible throughout the software development lifecycle.

  • ensure that code changes from multiple contributors work together without causing conflicts or breaking existing functionality.

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Test Auotmation as a Service (TAaS)

We are better. Here's Why ...

Expert led setup and onboard to identify and verify API vulnerabilities in your APIs that scanners & manual code review simply can’t identify. 

API Testing Tools

Webitca APITest & APIScan protect your business from top API security risks.

Expert Led Setup

Team of expert API testers with expertise in writing automated tests for a Web API.

Professional Insight

Identify potential availability and security issues before they become a real problem.
